Friday, May 14, 2010

Biblical Womanhood

God is taking me on journey. One I am not sure where to exactly start and one I am certain I do not know where it will end. It all started with my husband confronting me with the ugly truth of my disrespect. I never knew I was doing this or at least realized the degree in which it was hurting him. My not realizing my ugliness did not excuse it and I was brought to my knees. I knew the theory of respect, I have preached the theory for goodness sakes, but I had no idea of the application. God led me to, a ministry of Life Action and led by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. I was completely capitivated by the idea of getting back to what God intended by embracing truths of Womanhood. During this time of learning about Biblical Womanhood I realized that Christian Women just don’t get it. I didn’t and have caught only a glimpse. I have lots of room to grow and I am taking the “one fire at a time” approach. Overall there is a settling for mediocrity. We trample our husbands, throw God’s truth back in His face, we cause others to stumble and all the while proclaim we are Christians. We are hurting, we don't know it and the consequences are devestating. I have been challenged by God to speak truth. This ministry is giving us a challenge of blogging about this topic. Stay tuned for the journey. . . . .